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WCB Radio

Verse of the Day

Do you know Jesus?

Mission Statement

The overall purpose of this ministry is to carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, through radio broadcasting of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The word “broadcast” is an agricultural term that means to scatter seed indiscriminately over a wide area. It is our joy and privilege to make the Gospel available to anyone and everyone who chooses to listen.

We seek the salvation of souls, the baptism of believers, and the growth and nurturing of Christians. We understand that in America most listeners are already Christians. Therefore, we focus on motivating our listeners to actively pursue the lost, and to live out their faith on a daily basis, through KJV Bible preaching and teaching, and Old Time Gospel Music.

With a year around average of twelve hours of broadcasting per day, we further seek to provide interesting, informative, and entertaining programming that will offer Christians an alternative to secular and worldly entertainment. As a communication vehicle, we seek to promote better fellowship between believers who are “like minded in the faith”. Lastly, we seek to praise the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and intercede in prayer for our listeners, our nation, and other ministries who are striving to reach the world for Christ.


Word Christian Broadcasting, Inc. is a Georgia non-profit corporation. Our Board of Directors consists of the following members of local fundamental independent Baptist churches:

Ken Johns


Terry Dobbins

Cochran Ridge Baptist Church

Jeff Childers

Cochran Ridge Baptist Church

Scott Thomas

Pine Ridge Baptist Church

History and Growth

We signed on the air as a Christian radio ministry on January 6, 1993, over WDCY 1520 AM, a 2,500 watt station located in Douglasville. Our format is traditional Christian. Our ministry is based on a close relationship with other local churches in the West Metro Atlanta area through personal contact, through providing airtime, and in promoting, publicizing, and encouraging their ministries in every way possible. Pastors, churches, and individual listeners have been very loyal supporters.

The ministry has grown through acquisitions, power increases, the establishment of a Church Supply Outlet, and the addition of an Internet audio stream. 



We purchased WDCY 1520 AM Douglasville. WDCY is a 2,500 watt station covering the western suburbs of Atlanta.


We purchased WNEA 1300 AM Newnan. WNEA is a 1,000 watt station, covering the southwest suburbs of Atlanta.


We began streaming our programming on the Internet. This allows us to reach a worldwide audience 24 hours per day with an FM quality signal.

Our programming can be accessed at home or at work through a wired connection or WIFI. In the car or anywhere there is “broadband” coverage, the signal can be accessed through a Smartphone using an auxiliary connector available at most electronics stores.


We purchased WDPC 1500 AM Dallas. WDPC was a 1,000 watt station. In 2003, we increased the wattage to 5,000 watts, covering the northwest suburbs of Atlanta.


We added a Church Supply Outlet to further serve local churches and individual Christians. The CSO provides KJV Bibles, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School material, fundamental books and commentaries, and church supplies.


We purchased WDCY 1520 AM Douglasville. WDCY is a 2,500 watt station covering the western suburbs of Atlanta.


We purchased WDPC 1500 AM Dallas. WDPC was a 1,000 watt station. In 2003, we increased the wattage to 5,000 watts, covering the northwest suburbs of Atlanta.


We purchased WNEA 1300 AM Newnan. WNEA is a 1,000 watt station, covering the southwest suburbs of Atlanta.


We added a Church Supply Outlet to further serve local churches and individual Christians. The CSO provides KJV Bibles, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School material, fundamental books and commentaries, and church supplies.


We began streaming our programming on the Internet. This allows us to reach a worldwide audience 24 hours per day with an FM quality signal.

Our programming can be accessed at home or at work through a wired connection or WIFI. In the car or anywhere there is “broadband” coverage, the signal can be accessed through a Smartphone using an auxiliary connector available at most electronics stores.